Central Booking
The New Castle City Police host, and operate Lawrence County Central Booking. All municipal law enforcement agencies in Lawrence County transport their arrestees to the New Castle City Police Station for processing (fingerprinting and photographing).
Fingerprinting for Criminal Charges
You need to bring either a copy of the criminal complaint of the fingerprint order with you to the New Castle City Police Station in order to be fingerprinted. If the charge is Retail Theft, you MUST bring a fingerprint order with you. The fingerprint offered is issued to you by the Magistrates’ office. On all other charges, if you were issued a fingerprint order, you should bring this with you. If you do not have the order, then you MUST bring a copy of the Criminal Complaint.
Fingerprinting for Employment or Gun Carry Clearance
You need to bring the fingerprint cards required by your place of future of present employment with you. For a gun carry clearance, such as a Utah permit, you must also bring the fingerprint cards that are required. The price for this fingerprinting is $50.00 per card, which is paid to the Police Clerk before printing is done. The hours for this type of fingerprinting are Monday thru Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.
If you have questions concerning Central Booking please call 724-656-3584.